What is jumper in OHE

What is jumper in OHE

Jumper is a conductor which are used for connectivity between two conductors or equipments. The jumper should be flexible so that the required shape can be given to them easily to suit the requirement of the location.

Many types of jumpers are used in 25 kv & 2×25 kv OHE, Which are as follows-

  1. G- Jumper
  2. F – Jumper
  3. Anti theft jumper (ATJ)
  4. C-jumper
  5. F-jumper
  6. Feeder jumper
  7. Aluminium Large jumper

To put a jumper in OHE, We need some PG (Parallel grooves). PG depends on the size of conductors(catenary, contact, LSW, ACW, Jumper ).

Now, We will read in details about the jumper used in OHE (2x25kv & 25kv) and the PG attached with them.

  1. Continuity jumper/G-Jumper

G-jumper is used in UIOL, turnout , diamond crossings and cross over for providing a parallel path for the current from one OHE shot to another OHE shot. This is a Flexible type copper stranded conductors.

Its length & diameter depends upon the diameter of the catenary and contact wires of OHE.

You can read about the size of G- jumper and the PG to be fitted with them in chart no-1.

  1. F – Jumper

F jumper of approximately 50 mm square cross section is provided at insulated overlap to keep the current path between the cut in insulators and the nearest anchorage due to which spark is not generated in the cutting portion of the Catenary & Contact wires.

You can read about the size of F- jumper and the PG to be fitted with them in chart no-1.

  1. Anti-theft jumper (ATJ)

Anti-theft jumper is used in out of run wire to prevent theft. It is made by cadmium copper material. The diameter of ATJ is 50 square mm.  it have 3 wires in a set (1.4 meters, 1.8 meters, 2.30 meters ).

Anti theft jumper
  1. C-jumper

C jumper is used to connect the Catenary wire and contact wire at every 350 m for providing a parallel path for the current between the them, so that the load current is proportionately shared by Catenary & contact wire.

You can read about the size of C- jumper and the PG to be fitted with them in chart no-1.

  1. Feeder Jumper

Feeder jumper is used for connection between cross feeder to OHE.

It is also know as drop jumper in case of drop connection method jumpering.

Feeder jumper/Drop jumper
  1. Aluminium Large jumper

Aluminium large jumper is used at the locations where return conductors is required to be connected to track and to connect all aluminium bus terminal of SP, SSP, SS locations.

Aluminium large jumper


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